8. Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner came into the WWE with somewhat of a buzz, and the organization instantly pushed him as a major ordeal. The thought was that Steiner was an extreme gentleman from WCW and fans had for a long while been itching to see him wrestle against Triple H.In all actuality, nobody needed to see him wrestle Triple H. No one truly purchased Steiner as an intense fellow possibly, he looked old and his muscles were plainly a determinant instead of an enhancer. Simply essential development was an issue for Steiner. 

This was evident in Steiner's matches with Triple H. The 2003 Royal Rumble exertion was one of the most exceedingly terrible matches of that decade. WWE rapidly abandoned Steiner and marooned him in the mid card. By December, he was a none element. He showed up in the 2004 Royal Rumble and after that wasn't seen once more, in the end being discharged on August seventeenth.


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