3. Hulk Hogan

The WWF's greatest star bowed out for near a year after WrestleMania 8 in 1992. This was amid the steroid embarrassment when serious open investigation was essentially engaged upon The Hulkster. Both he and the WWF chose some time off would be shrewd so he got the opportunity to go home for eight months. In this time, he missed a few major pay for every perspective occasions. He was profiting for sitting at home, but his stock was all the while doing great levels of offers. 

Hogan returned for a couple of months in 1993, yet then chose to set aside time off once more. He worked a few shows with Yokozuna over the mid year, however then sat out the rest of his WWF contract at home. This was to a great extent because of inventive contrasts with Vince McMahon, who had chosen to take the WWF in an alternate bearing. The force of Hulkamania was fading and things broke apart.


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